Mastodon Verification Link Orx Map Format: Part 4 – Sam Seltzer-Johnston

Feb 24, 2017

Orx Map Format: Part 4

Hotloading is done. Woo hoo! Not only that, but I’ve boiled this down to a pure C solution. I had a pretty attrocious C++ class doing too many things. It now exists as a few structs and less than a dozen functions. I plan to add a C++ wrapper later on.

Turns out I was very wrong about hotloading. There’s currently no way to detect individual property changes via event handler, but you can detect when a file is modified. This means if you do your own book-keeping, you can detect those changes yourself. I’ve got a naive solution that blindly reloads the map, but I’m well positioned to put something better together. I haven’t decided just how in-depth I want change detection to go, so I’m going to put that on the backburner for a little bit.

There are a few gotchas regarding hotloading that iarwain was kind enough to point out to me. My use-case even reminded him of a known issue. He then went ahead and fixed it. What a guy.

Here’s a video of it:


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