Mastodon Verification Link No-Nonsense Quality VPS Hosting – Sam Seltzer-Johnston

Jan 06, 2017

No-Nonsense Quality VPS Hosting

I’ve found my be-all end-all solution for cheap quality VPS hosting, SSDNodes. On the front-end they look pretty pricey at first, but they have some hidden deals that I wouldn’t know about if I hadn’t “known a guy” who knows these things. There’s a place on that describes these deals and how to get your hands on them. The pricing is a bit dated, but still, check it out. I’ve been using the higher-end of the plans listed there for the monthly rate.

One of those plans gets you a year with a low-end box that’s perfectly suitable for webhosting, all for the price of a fancy dinner. Seems like a good deal to me. If you’re not sure, grab the one with the monthly rate to try it out.

The maintainer, Matt, has been kind and responsive to my questions. It feels very personal. Good on him, whoever he is. If you know how to run a server yourself and want a generous price-to-performance ratio (who doesn’t?), this is an exceptional place to start. Best I’ve seen so far.

One thing to note: My ad blocker prevented me from paying at first. I use uBlock Origin on Firefox, but double-check yours to make sure as well. Matt helped me figure this out. :)

This is likely going to be the next resting place for most, if not all, of my web-based content. If you feel so inclined, I’d appreciate it if you used my affiliate link as an entrypoint. Your call.


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