Mastodon Verification Link Where are the Configuration Script Generators? – Sam Seltzer-Johnston

Jan 04, 2017

Where are the Configuration Script Generators?

I recently have found a need for a multiple-choice command-line/terminal script generator. This seems quite trivial to me and I’m sure someone must have made something like this, but apparently my search-engine-fu skills are insufficient for finding it.

To be more specific, there’s a need for a basic Q/A and multiple choice script generator that allows you to design a configuration flow on multiple operating systems that can output in multiple scripting languages. It’s up to the user of this generator to make sure outcomes are consistent across OSs/languages, but the logical flow can most certainly be automated. It would drastically simplify maintenance.

I should never have to reference how to do this for at least three different languages.

I’m putting this on my todo list for things to maybe make eventually. Maybe. For now I guess I could just include an interpreter for each OS with one consistent script language, but that seems sort of obnoxious.


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