Mastodon Verification Link Blog – Sam Seltzer-Johnston

May 09, 2021

My GLGX 2021 Talk: Productivity Workshop

Hi all, long time no see! I gave a presentation at Great Lakes Game Expo 2021!

My talk was titled Productivity Workshop: Informing Your Process with Worklogs. It was about how I min-max my productivity so I can work less and do more using a system I call worklogs. It’s nothing groundbreaking but I think the overall process and philosophy behind it is something I don’t see talked about much.

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Feb 03, 2019

GDC 2019 Prep: Business Cards

This will be my 5th year attending the GDC (holy crap!), and it’ll be my 3rd or 4th time ordering business cards. I’m not going to pretend like I’m an expert, but every year I’ve learned something new about business cards. I think last time’s edition could use a refresher. GDC 2019

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Dec 02, 2018

3D Movement is Hard

I’m a programmer of over a decade with 3D math & gamedev experience. It took me 8+ hours over 4+ weekends to code basic movement with a 3rd person camera and double-jumping to work in Unity. Countless failures & dead-ends. Background doesn’t matter; gamedev takes practice.

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